Monday, May 17, 2010

D-List Blog Party 2010!


Welcome to my blog! I always love the chance to meet new people and visit new blogs!

I am a 30 something special education teacher in Chicago.  I have been married to the greatest man for 3 years.  I have two boys.  Jack is 7 months old (almost!) and Lenny is our 2 year old yorkie. 

I started my blog to chronicle my days as a working mom, and it has turned into so much more.  I love meeting new people, sharing my ideas and stories, and hearing yours.   I also am trying to figure out my new camera and LOVE taking pictures of Jack. 

Thank you for stopping by! Take a look around and I would love to hear from you.  I also have a blog "party".  Join me every monday at Meetup Monday,  and you'll be introduced to some great new blogs and hopefully get some great new followers.


  1. Hi there! lol

    I'm KC, a stay at home mom in New York. I used to work in finance (for many years), but I got a Masters in Childhood Education just before my Little Rocker was born. I plan on staying at home until both our children (we're only planning on two) are at least two year old. Then I'll sub part time until they're in school full-time, at that point I'll go back to work too!

  2. I'm already a follower but thought i'd stop by from the blog party and say hi!

  3. stopping by from the d list party! love your blog! :-)

  4. YAY for the blog party! I had no idea until today!

  5. Thanks for stopping by Knowlton Nest! I'm going to join your Meetup Monday!

  6. Thanks for writing a post! You know I love your blog :)

    Hope you get lots and lots of new followers!

  7. Hello! I totally recognize you from - it's that cute babe of yours. I knew immediately who you were when I saw your header pic {I'm KMS1025 for the record but I don't post much}. Just so you know I don't mean I know who you are in a bad way - there is way to much crap on that site I just don't believe any of it.

    ANYWAY - I just had to tell you I'm glad I made my way to your blog and look forward to getting to know the real you and your adorable family. Thanks for coming by my blog today.

  8. Hi and thanks for visiting! I follow you on GFC. Your baby is so adorable!

  9. Stopping by from the D-List blog party. I recognize your son's pictures from the bump. I don't post very often on the national boards. Any ways, your son is too cute!!! I started my blog as just pictures of my daughter for our families and it has turned into what it is now. Nothing much, were still working on it. I would love to join your Meetup Monday Blog Hop. I'll take a look next Monday. I look forward to reading more from you!

  10. Hey there! found you through the Dlist party! Love your blog. Your little boy reminds me of mine...just 4 months behind. I remember wanting to stop time when Eddie was 6 months old. He was so squishy and cuddly. I still love how he calms down with me, but until then, he is all OVER the place now! Consider me a new follower! Love your writing!

  11. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    I love the name Jack. It's such a guy name.

    I missed the Monday Meetup this week, but I'll have to remember to come back nexy Monday!

  12. Hi. I'm so glad you commented on my blog, I love 'meeting' other working moms. Hope that you're enjoying the d-listed blog party.

  13. Stopping by for the party!! Hope you're having a great party week. :)

    I already follow, but I love your blog and your cute little guy!


  14. I just realized who you were on the bump... I found you through the D-List blog hop. Love the pics of Jack- he's adorable. I'm a new follower!
