Tuesday, April 16, 2013

TeachHUB, and the first infographic made by (my) kids!

For National Library Week, TeachHUB.com and Clever Girls Collective are proud to present the world's First Ever Infographic Made By Kids! For more information about TeachHUB.com, please visit their website.
I don't know if you all know this, but I am a special education teacher.  Because of this, I am always on the hunt for the most new ideas, current practices and lessons that meet the common core.  I look on pinterest, blogs, message boards...you name. it!  We now I found a great new site with all of this along with ideas and techniques to use in the classroom.  TeachHUB is the newest place for teachers to go for up-to-date education information, a place to share ideas and "borrow" others, and where you can go to find professional development of your choosing.  

TeachHUB's mission is to improve the quality of education by making available the most current, complete and affordable resources for all K-12 Educators.  "Built by Teachers, for Teachers, we offer free lesson plans, the latest in education news, professional development and real teacher blogs plus the tools and applications modern Educators need to maintain a level of excellence in their classrooms."  TeachHUB.com provides the latest in education technology, news and tools. It's a great free resource for all K-12 teachers.

My favorite part?  I really like that on the home page, they list the top 7 stories using pictures.  This way I can see at a quick glance the newest topics being featured. It's quick and easy to find what other educators are interested in and checking out.

Recently I administered a survey to my students asking them varied questions about what they know about reading, who their favorite characters are, and what do they know about certain library topics.  The kids loved that they were filling out a "survey", and I loved the answers to "what does your teacher do over the Summer?" 

Check out the first infographic made by kids

TeachHUB.com is a free resource for teachers and parents who want the latest in education news and technology. You can see the latest articles from TeachHUB by subscribing to their Facebook pageor following them on Twitter.

I was selected for this opportunity by Clever Girls Collective, and content and opinions expressed here are all my own. To learn more about the TeachHUB.com, visit their website.#CleverTeachers #NLW13

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