Monday, March 26, 2012

There's a new sheriff in town

Jack's new obsession is Woody.  We have watched Toy Story about one million times.  I have to say I really don't mind watching it, I have always love the movie and there could be worse things to watch over and over (Yo Gabba Gabba).  

So Jack decided that he wanted a cowboy hat just like Woody.  My mom went out and found him the closest thing she could. 

And while I don't like toy guns, Jack just loves his new water gun, and had to take the hat gun out on a walk.

 Have a great week! I am on Spring Break!  Woo hoo!


  1. Love it! Jack, you are one handsome sheriff!!

  2. We love Toy Story! Carter has Buzz and Woody dolls at my parent's house and talks about them all the time!
