Friday, August 27, 2010

so I turn to you..........

Welcome all my new friends! New Friend Friday also means the weekend is here! I made it through my first week back with the kids.  I have to tell you, it is hard.  Harder than when I came back from my maternity leave. Jack is so much more aware, and interactive and I just miss him like crazy.

I am also having a hard time juggling everything.  I get home from work with Jack around 5.  We play, go for a walk or to the park and it's bath and bedtime at 7:30.  Then my husband and I eat, wash bottles, pack for the next day, clean up and it's bed time for me.  I feel like I have no "me" time.  No time to relax, or workout or do things I need to do like grocery shopping or running errands.

So that's where I turn to you, my wonderful, loyal followers.  How do you juggle it all?  How do you balance work, family and also have time for yourself?  Can it be done?

With that, have a great weekend, enjoy it.  It is going to be beautiful here, so we will be doing lots of outside activities.  I will also be catching up on my photo taking this weekend and will post so new ones on Sunday! Have a great Friday!


  1. I'm not going to lie it's hard and there are plenty of nights I go to bed with no me time. But in those nights I can't wait to crawl into bed that that is my me time in a way. Some days the floor doesn't get swept and the tables don't get dusted but I get that extra time with Belle. We do our grocery shopping on Friday nights (every other) as a family. And we let Belle stay up a little later on Friday's. Laundry gets done during the weekend and I usually end up doing at least one quick load during the week some time. The hubs helps out and does the dishes. And during the weekend I put aside a couple of hours to clean. You will find the balance and what works best for you. And I'm sure Jack's schedule will change a bit to fit this new routine. It will get easier. I don't envy you for having to "go back to work" all over again. The first time was hard enough.

  2. Hey, Amy, what are the odds we're next to each other AGAIN! (smile) I think last time we were adjacent, it was my baking blog though. Here's to something different. Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the last bit of summer before it's gone!

    Dawn @ Dear

  3. My Me time is at work, I guess... but it doesn't bother me; I've had a lifetime of Me time so now it's Lovie's turn. Hang in there.

  4. I am a new follower and I would love a follow back!

  5. I am a former teacher, but when I was working last year, my "me time" was my commute. I don't know how long your commute is, but mine was about a 1/2 hour. I LOVED that time to just put down the windows, turn on the radio, drink my iced tea (yes, at 7:30am!) and enjoy the peace and quiet :) Good luck, I know how hard it is. Hardest thing ever. It's a shame we can't get a paycheck with benefits to be stay at home moms!

  6. I am hosting a party over at Sassy Sites today too! I would love to have you join us and show off your fun blog! Come by and say hi and grab a button! oh... AND come and sign up for our giveaway too! $50 Gift Card in Vinyl Lettering!! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  7. I am a working mom and I hate it. I'd give my right arm to be home. I did it for awhile and it was a lot of work, I don't deny that but its just totally different when you're away 8 or 10 hours a day 5 days a week. WHen you're home full time you can wash a few dishes here and there and throw in a load of laundry.
    But staying home isn't an option for me right now. So I deal by letting things go. I work, I volunteer where I feel I'm really making a difference for my kids (and setting a good example) and I spend time with my family. I will never get this time back so why should I put off the fun stuff just so my house looks perfect. I ALWAYS have a mountain of laundry, my house is always dusting, there are usually dishes in the sinks and there is clutter...everywhere almost all the time. But we keep it workable and the rest of the time we LIVE LIFE. I know some people can't live if things aren't just right but I can and have and after losing my mom last year, I just don't see the point in missing a single second with my kids!
    Only you can find the balance for you. But just know, no one does it all, they have to give up something and you just have to find the right mix that works for you.

  8. Now that DS is older (he's about Jack's age), we have him eat with us, so we eat earlier than we used to.

    I get home with him by 5:15 or 5:30, and since DH gets home a bit earlier, he starts dinner. We eat by 5:45 or 6:00. 6:15 or 6:30 til 7:15 or so is playtime or time to go for a walk with DS. We start bath and bed around 7:15 or 7:30, and he's down by 8:00 or a bit after.

    DH washes bottles and cleans up dishes while I give DS a bath and feed him. So when DS is down, that's our time. I usually go to bed by 10:00, so it's about two hours every night, give or take.

