Monday, August 16, 2010

a day at the beach....

So Sunday we took Jack to the beach.  I wanted to take him before his first birthday so he could experience the sand and water.  So we packed our beach bags and our cooler and set off to Lake Michigan for a day at the beach. 

Our "day at the beach" lasted an hour.  Jack HATED the sand.  He screamed like I have never heard him scream before.  So we moved him to the middle of our towels, gave him some cheerios and he was in heaven.

We still had a perfect time, sand and all.....and we will try again next year.

Before the screaming began......


  1. My daughter had a similar reaction the first time we took her. She had JUST started to walk (about 10-11 months old) and we were so excited. Lily? Not so much. Refused to walk on it. Beachshoes helped but not much. Luckily by the next year she was fine and she's as much of a beach-aholic as we are. If only it wasn't a 6 hour drive!!

  2. awwww what great pictures! too bad the sand wasn't fun this time around.

  3. Aww poor Jack! The pictures are great though :)

  4. Thanks for visiting - I'd pass on the tutu for Jack (you don't want him scarred for life!) but I have heard of moms using the same technique to make pirate wigs for little boys :)
