Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Friday!

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="New Friend Fridays" src="" /></a></center>

Welcome new friends and old.  I decided to join Five Question Friday's this week so that you can all get to know me a little better.  I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend. Jack has his frist "date" today at the pool with a mom a just met a few weeks ago.  I'm excited!

Please come back and join my "Meetup Monday" (the link will be up this time).  Have a great weekend!

1. Do you collect anything?
I used to collect Disney snow globes.  But now I really don't collect anything.  Maybe wine corks!

2. Name 3 celebrities that you find good looking.
To be honest I don't find many celebrities good looking.  I do think these guys are quite cute and I am putting their character names...McDreamy, the dad from Friday Night Lights, and Jude Law


3. Do you have any scars? If so, what's the story behind it (them?)?
No not one scar. I am pretty lucky.

4. What is a food that you like to eat, but others might think it's gross or weird?
Peanut butter and banana sammys.  I don't really eat any other strange food.

5. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life?
There was one "tornado" in Chicago two years ago.  We were at the Cubs game.  It was crazy and scary. 


  1. Oh man I adore the dad from FNL! Hottie! :)

  2. Love the dad from FNL!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Coach Taylor!!!

    New Friday follower in the house. Hope you'll come return the favor!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  3. Hey! Just found your blog...hope you'll stop by my blog and say hello and follow either or both of them.

    Jessicas Lil Corner-Family blog:

    So Stylilized-FREE Custom Blog Designs:

  4. Thanks for visiting me. Hope you like the grilled corn. The nice thing is that you put all the stuff on after it's cooked, so if someone doesn't want it, that's fine.

    Enjoyed reading through your five questions. I collect ABC books. Kind of different, I think.
