Friday, July 23, 2010

Hot Hot Hot! And welcome new friends!

It's hot here.  Very hot.  Because of this we have been stuck inside alot.  Going outside would mean we would be a big sweaty mess after 2 minutes.  

This means we are stuck inside most of the day.  Which also means I am starting to work on our photo wall.  I have no idea where to begin or what pictures to choose.  Do any of you have a photo wall?  How do you choose which pictures to use?  Where do you get your frames?  Do you have a theme?  I could use some help.

To all my new friends, hello, and welcome! 

New Friend Fridays
I hope you all have a great weekend!  We have ABSOLUTELY no plans, which is music to my ears.  This means a weekend of grililng, pools and relaxing.  The summer is quickly passing by, so enjoy it!


  1. i abhore this weather we're having. as for the photo wall, we're probably moving soon so no... but i do know that i LOVE mixing up the frames so i buy frames from anywhere and everywhere imaginable, and usually only when on sale. can't wait to see what you decide to do!

  2. Stopping in from New Friend Fridays!!

    Your little boy is adorable!! It's absolutely HOT where we are too! We are in FL, what about you?

    Liz @ Tickled PINK

  3. I love your pictures! You have a beautiful family! I am an Ami too but with an i. When I was pregnant with my sweet girl Alice if she was to be a boy his name would of been Jack. Funny huh? I love your blog and I see you do a link party on Monday....I'll be back Monday then! :) I found you on Trendy Treehouse and I'm so glad I did! :)

  4. I love weekends with no plans! I wish they would come around more often over the summer, but this summer especially seems to be our busiest! Hope you have a fun weekend!!
    Visiting from NFF.


  5. Visiting from New Friend fridays at The Girl Creative-Love your blog! I have a photo wall started and I like black and white pictures framed in all white or all black frames. You have a beautiful family, enjoy your relaxing weekend!
