Thursday, July 1, 2010

An afternoon of food, drinks and swinging.....

Tuesday, my husband and I decided to take Jack to the park.  Once we got there, Jack was sound asleep in the car.  Instead of going back home, we did the next best thing....wedrank a few beers, and had some nachos.  We went to one of my favorite bars, and I had one of my favorite beers.

Once Jack woke up, we headed out to the park.  Jack had never been on the swings before, and he LOVED them.

It was the perfect weather, not super hot, and not a cloud in the sky.  These are perfect days to me.  It's so fun to see Jack experience things for the first time.  He gets the cutest looks on his face, like he's really taking in everything he's seeing and experiencing. 

I love summer.  Enjoy your day.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day. Love the pics.

  2. he really is just so cute. A nice cold beer on a wonderful day! Amazing!

  3. Great pictures! I love his face in the swing one. :)

    (visiting from nff)

  4. Hey I Left you a little something over on my blog! : )

  5. Oooh, outdoor dining! And I always love seeing him in his Cubs hat!

  6. Hi, I’m Megan and I found your blog on New Friends Friday, nice to “meet” you:) First time on the swing- that is awesome! How old is your little man? Mine is 4 months on Sunday:) Have a great weekend!

  7. That picture of Jack in the swing is absolutely adorable!!

    I found your blog from an award linky. Off to take a peek around!
