Friday, June 25, 2010

New Friend Friday!

New Friend Fridays

Welcome New Friends and Old!  Happy Friday.  I made it through my first week of Summer Break! It's amazing how fast time goes when you are off of work.  If you are new, I hope you enjoy looking around, and if you are a frequent visitor thank you for coming back! 

What are your plans this weekend?  Anything fun?  I have a girls night tonight, which is always fun, and a Michael Jackson Party tomorrow with friends. Today I am taking Lenny and Jack to the farmer's market in my town and then we will go for a swin at our pool!

Be sure to come back Monday for Meetup Monday and today is the last day to enter to win a custom necklace from My Belle Boutique!


  1. A MJ party sounds awesome! Have fun! We don't have any plans this weekend, but maybe we'll take my DD to the pool or the zoo.

    Going to check out the necklace now!

    (visiting from nff)

  2. Hi,

    Over from SITS to say hello. I'm going to be up in Chicago on the 3rd. I hope the rain stops by then! Can you do a little sun dance for me. I sure would appreciate it!

    And a Michael Jackson party? That sounds like the coolest thing ever.

    Have a great Saturday and don't forget that dance. Thanks!
