Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Can it be??

I CAN NOT believe Jack is 8 months old. 2/3 (thanks Alyssa!) of a year.  I feel like it was yesterday. 

It's amazing to me how many things Jack has learned and how he has developed in these 8 short months. 
He is now crawling....backwards.  He hasn't quite mastered forward crawling yet.  He goes from laying to sitting and can pull himself up to standing (which will be addressed in my next post).  He LOVES puffs, and he can now feed himself. 

But mostly what amazes me is how his personality is showing more and more everyday.  How he cracks up at the silliest things.  How he loves to dance with me to music. How he lights up whenever Lenny walks by, even though Lenny won't give him the time of day.  How just a look tells me "I need you Mama" .

I fall more and more in love with Jack everyday.  It's amazing how much love a heart can have for one person.

And now my pictures.....a mom's gotta brag!


  1. Awww! My little man is 8 months 1 week old! I can't believe our little boys are so close in age! Those pictures are just tooooo freaking cute...Love em!

    - Tara

  2. He is so adorable. Love the onesie! It goes so fast.

  3. He's adorable!

    (just a "ps", 8 months = 2/3)

  4. That is the sweetest little face... he's so darn cute!

  5. awww brag away- he's ADORABLE!!

  6. your little Jack is too cute, happy 8 months! time goes by too fast!!!

  7. he's quite the cutie - those onsies are SO fun!

  8. I love the monthly photos, did you make the onesies yourself?? soooo cute!!!
