Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So much to learn

I am still working on my photography.  I took photography in high school and even won first place at a district photography show.  I knew everything about manual cameras.  That was then.  I am clueless when it comes to our new camera.  I read the manual, read up about it on line and take gazillions of picures.  My husband is great with photoshop but I still haven't had him teach me yet.  I am hoping to get a few classes in this summer whilie I am off.  I also hope to get a new lens in the next few weeks.  I hear that makes a huge difference.

If anyone has any photography tips they would love to share, I'd love to hear them! 



  1. I don't know much about this site - but I love when it says free!


    They should have free photography classes on there. :)

    Best of luck and can't wait to see more!


  2. What a little cutie he is! I am really wanting to hone my photography skills, too. One of these days I hope to find time to take a class!

    I am so glad you liked my Photoshop silhouette tutorial. I hope your hubby didn't cringe too much when he saw my technique! Like I said, I really only know enough about PS to get me into trouble. ;)

    Have a great day!

  3. Your son is just too darn cute!

  4. No big photo tips, but I love this picture!

    He's sweet and funny at the same time :-)

  5. So far the pictures are looking great! He's such a cutie though, so that makes it a bit easier. :)

    I'm hoping to get a new camera and take a class soon too! HOPING.

  6. "great article here, thx for sharing"
