Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stop it!

Last night Jack slept through the night....for the first time.  On one hand I am sooo happy.  Happy that this may mean there are no more nights of crying and screaming.  No more nights of shushing and patting and late night bottles. But also sad that my little guy is growing up.  Even though I might be exhausted, I will miss those times.  Those "mommy and jack" times.   Times when all is quiet and I get to enjoy being with just him, while he still needs me.

Some days I just want to scream "You are growing way too fast; Stop it!!"  Before I know it, he won't need his mommy and daddy anymore.  I realize more and more that we need to enjoy and be thankful for every second we have with him.


  1. What a sweet post! I remember when GG slept through the night for the first time...I actually woke up at four and had to turn on the monitor just to check on her things were so quiet! It's amazing how wonderful the day can be when you get a full night's sleep. Congrats on that big milestone! And, that's a great pic of your lil' one and hubby.

  2. Your baby is just soooo cute! Kids grow up way too fast. You're so smart to treasure these moments now. You'll be so glad you did when they are older!

  3. What a precious picture! Your post made me cry, I completely understand your feelings!

  4. Jack is SO ADORABLE! Did you do anything or did he STTN on his own?

  5. You are getting pretty good with that camera. This picture is beautiful and should be in a frame.

  6. That is so sweet! I hope he continues to sleep for you. My little man isn't a good sleeper yet, so I'm still dreaming of the night I get to sleep all night.

  7. I was D-Listed today too! I love this picture of your hubby and your son! He is so cute!
