Thursday, April 1, 2010

Our first Spring Break

So this week was my Spring Break. We didn't go anywhere exotic, or do anything exciting. The days of crazy spring break vacations are over.  But I did get to do something way better.  I got to spend a full week with Jack.  Something I think we both really needed.  I was beginning to feel like Jack didn't "know me" or that he was "mad" at me for working.  Doing nothing this week with him has been the best thing ever. 
The hard part, will be going back to work Monday. 

Jack's new favorite thing....sticking out his tounge. 

We have had such nice weather this week, this is his first time "sitting" in the grass.....
Now the countdown to summer begins.....
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  1. Hope your weekend takes it's time. He's adorable! Don't you just love the bumbo seat? Before GG could sit on her own it went with us everywhere including restaurants. It was a lifesaver! Happy Thursday and almost Easter.

  2. And just think what he'll be like this time next year! That's how we were with our second one. Her first Christmas she was just 5 months old, so we'd say, "Next Christmas both kids will be running to the tree and tearing open gifts!"
