Monday, April 26, 2010

Meetup Mondays

I HATE Mondays. I hate that feeling I get when I wake up. I hate that I am usually running late on Mondays. I usually don't have time to get my coffee and usually forget to make lunch. What would make my Mondays better I asked myself? How about a way to meet other people and find other blogs!

And so Meetup Monday has begun! Each Monday, you will have the opportunity to add your blog to our blog roll. This is going to be a great way to make some new bloggy friends and to hopefully expand your readership. Also, please grab my button to the left for Meetup Mondays!

The rules are simple:
1. Add a link to your main blog (or most current post)
2. Leave a comment on the blog above your name in the list.
3. Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments and follow if you like.

So sit back, enjoy a cup of coffee, (or five) and enjoy. I would also love to hear from you what you do, working or not, to make your Monday's easier.  I could definately use some help. 


  1. What a fun idea! Thanks for starting it!

  2. Okay, so I have to tell you every time i see your blog or even just the name, I have the song Manic Monday in my head all day long. It's not really even the song. It's just the chorus! lol, it's a good way to keep your blog in my head :)


  3. I just wanted to say that I'm so sad I missed Meetup Monday this week. I will definitely be back next week to participate.
