Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Everything but Ketchup

a belle, a bean & a chicago dog

So Liz over at A Belle A Bean & A Chicago Dog. gave me her Chicago Dog award.  Being from Chicacgo I was SO excited.  What is the Chicago Dog Award you ask?  According to Liz..."The 'Chicago Dog: Everything But Ketchup' award salutes bloggers who have what I find to be just the right mix of ingredients...without any ketchup. Witty, smart, sassy & true-to-life! Sprinkle on a little sarcasm, and you've got yourself a true Chicago Dog award winner". 

Those not from Chicago might not be aware that Chicagoans would NEVER, EVER put ketchup on a hot dog. 

Liz asks that we pass the award on to those who we think are also worthy. 

I have picked two blogs that I read daily. 

The first is Tater Tots and Jello who has a neverending amount of crafts and creative ideas for your home, and family.  Hopefully soon I will attempt to make of few of the items she has shown in her blog.

The second is Mommy and Molly  she is new mom of adorable Molly and is also very knowledgable in the blog world.  She has started "The D-list" which I think you should check out.

Check those out, I hope you enjoy. 


  1. Yay! Yay! YAY! Glad to see that hot diggity today! yum.

    I read tatertots, and that's a great choice! I need to check out your other winner.

  2. yes, ketchup on a hot dog is a BIG no-no!! ew!!

  3. I put ketchup on hot dogs!! I load it and make it drip! Mmmm!!!!

  4. Thanks so much mama!!! I appreciate the award! Love ya!

  5. Did you know that real Texans wouldn't put ketchup on their dogs either?? We are a mustard state!
    Great blog, can't wait to follow along!
    (visiting from New Friend Friday!)

