Friday, March 26, 2010

Jack seems to be growing so fast.  He almost never wants to play with his "baby" toys anymore. He always wants to be up and about, sitting up, or standing.  He loves watching the world around him.  But this day he had so much fun with his play mat; the toy I thought we had to put away because he outgrew it.

I love moments like these.  Moments where the little things excite him.  Where I can see the wonder in his eyes, everything is so new to him. 

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  1. I miss the little sweet innocent curiousity. We have hit the naughty curious stage. That is fun, but not as sweet!

  2. he's a cutie. following from mbc/fff. i may have some herbs and oils to help with that stressing over

  3. My daughter was born six days after your son and I can TOTALLY relate! They grow so is bittersweet. Just last night my husband laughed at me for trying to fit our daughter into a sleeper that was a bit too snug. It fit perfectly last week! Enjoy every moment with your little cutie!!

  4. How adorable is he. He sure loves his toys. I sure do miss those moments. You are absolutely right, they are growing really fast.

    I am your new follower from MBC (FFF) come visit when you get a chance.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Just seems the older they get the faster time flies. My lil' GG is 8 months and I cry every time I put away clothes that she's outgrown. There are times I wish I could keep her a baby forever, but each new stage is fun and in some ways more exciting than the last. Oh and my GG has that same Baby Einstein toy featured in the last pic. It's great isn't it?

  6. aww what a cutie! I found your blog thru "6 degrees of blogging"

    Following you now :)

  7. Wow! Lurking from thebump, and those turned out great! What do you use for background?
